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厂家直销PVC快速卷帘门 无尘车间厂仓库电动感应门

品牌: 阔达
单价: 面议
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2024-12-24 14:39
浏览次数: 10
 快速卷帘门High speed door


快速卷帘门具有优良的性能:高稳定性、密封性强、不积尘、易清洗,附合GMP要求,洁净环境(1000级至10万级),通用于现代工业厂房,适用于医药、食品、电子、化学、卷烟、印刷、纺织、超市、精密机械、物流仓储、及洁净工业厂房的区域隔离。具保温、防尘、减噪、隔味功能。节约能源,高速自动启闭。 适用性:厂房的任何内门或外门。Fast rolling door has excellent performance: high stability, strong sealing, no dust, easy to clean, with GMP requirements, clean environment (1000 to 100000), generally used in modern industrial plant, suitable for medicine, food, electronics, chemistry, cigarette, printing, textile, supermarket, precision machinery, logistics storage, and clean industrial plant area isolation. It has the functions ofheat preservation, dust prevention, noise reduction and taste isolation. Energy saving, high speed automatic opening and closing. Applicability: Any inner or outer door of the plant。

快速卷帘门相关配件  Parts of high speed door
1、 门帘布:国外进口高密度工业纤维基布(表面PVC光洁度处理,有耐酸、耐碱、耐油、防水耐腐等化学稳定性洁净环境1000级及10万级)颜色多选。 Door curtain cloth: imported high density industrial fiber base cloth (surface PVC finish treatment, acid, alkali, oil, water and corrosion resistance chemical stability clean environment 1000 and 100000 grades)Multiple color selection

2、驱动电机:原装进口高性能制动电机.220V~380V,50Hz,IP55 功率为0.75-1.5千瓦1500转/min,可承载大负荷安全运转。Drive motor: original imported high performance brake motor. 220V~380 V,50Hz,IP55 power 0.75-1.5 kW 1500 rpm min, can carry large load safe operation

3、电控系统:由智能化控制系统电脑编制程序组成,并与各种常用性保护装置兼容,具有高稳定性、高精准定位、高性能。Electronic control system: it is composed of computer programming of intelligent control system and compatible with various common protective devices. It has high stability, high precision positioning and high performance

4、开启速度:每秒0.8-1.5米的开启速度(装有变频器速度可调),实现全天侯高频开启1500次以上无故障。Opening speed :0.8-1.5 meters per second opening speed (equipped with frequency converter speed adjustable) to achieve all-weather high frequency opening more than 1500 times no trouble
5、门体结构:采用厚度3.5mm铝合金抗氧化处理型门框,氧化铝型材水平加强杆,抗风能力为15m/s(50Pa标准3*3),多排式毛刷密封,银白色,符合6063-T6标准。Door structure :3.5 mm thickness aluminum alloy anti-oxidation treatment door frame, oxidized aluminum profile horizontal bar, wind resistance is 15 m/s (50Pa standard 3*3), multi-row brush seal, silver white, meet 6063- T6 standard
6、门底安全气囊:门体在关闭过程中,如遇人或车辆不能及时躲避时,门底安全气囊会人或车辆传导给气囊的压力作用使气囊电路工作,门体会自动上提以起到安全作用。Door bottom airbag: in the process of closing the door body, if the person or vehicle can not avoid in time, the door bottom airbag will be transmitted to the airbag by the person or vehicle to make the airbag circuit work, The door body will be lifted automatically to play a safety role
7、低压安全电源:控制系统使用低压安全电源,接地端子连接提供专用地线。Low voltage safety power supply: the control system uses low voltage safety power supply, grounding terminal connection provides special ground wire
8、密封性能:门帘底端装有加重隔气布,它可与各种不平坦地面严密结合,门框两侧配备 毛刷,可以起到防尘、防虫、密封等防护作用。Sealing performance: the bottom end of the door curtain is equipped with a heavier air insulation cloth, it can be closely combined with various uneven ground, the door frame on both sides of the brush, can play a dustproof, insect-proof, sealing and other protective role
9、滑道密封毛条:使密封性更严密。 Slides Sealing Strips: Making Sealing Tight
10、安全光线:门底离地约三十厘米安装有红外安全光线,在门下行关闭时,当有人或车经过安全光线时,门体会自动停止下行,并自动上行以起到安全作用。Safe light: the bottom of the door is about 30 centimeters off the ground with infrared safe light. When the door is closed down, when someone or a car passes through the safe light, the door body automatically stops down and goes up automatically to play a safe role
11、透视窗:可根据用户要求开出各种样式透视窗,便于你的管理。 Perspective window: according to user requirements can open a variety of style perspective window, easy for your management
12、多种开启控制方式Multiple ways of opening control.。






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